Hydro Power

Hydro Electric Power

There are abundant micro hydraulic power resources in the world and it is economically feasible to make use of These water resources. Our company manufactures ideal Micro hydro generators to satisfy people’s daily and industrial needs for power, using the recyclable and Eco-friendly water resources.

Micro hydropower stations should be constructed in places where there are certain water head. Through the construction of barrage, water within small streams and mountain springs is collected. By guiding the water into turbine inlet pipe, the turbine impeller will be forced to
rotate under the pressure energy or kinetic energy of the fluid. The rotator of turbine generator which is in the same axial of turbine impeller will rotate with respect to stator.

Thus, power is generated and supplied to users through power transmission lines. When buying turbine generator, users should select the proper turbine generator with proper specifications of water head and water flow rate, according to the own site conditions of water resource Or else,the rated power may not be generated or the generator may be easily damaged. Water head diagram

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