Who we are
MobileMart Systems Solar & Best Energy( British Energy Systems Technology) sypply, install and commission Eniscope. its an Energy Management and Efficiency device to manage monitor and control energy losses. it saves and regenerates @ 20% – 30% of the energy power bill using artificial intelligence. Internet of Things IOT. Solar systems saves 70% – 80% of the power bill on a power purchase agreement(PPA). We plan, design ,impliment and manage. (PDIM) and you lease and own our services on Paygo contractual period with warrant and maintainance services.
Power Purchase Agreement
A solar power purchase agreement (PPA) Lease and Own is a financial agreement where we developer arranges for the design, permitting, financing and installation of a solar energy system to the school property at little to no cost. The developer sells the power generated to the school at a fixed rate that is typically lower than the local utility’s retail rate. This lower electricity price serves to offset the customer’s purchase of electricity from the grid while the developer receives the income from these sales of electricity as well as any tax credits and other incentives generated from the system.
Our PPAs will typically range from 3-5 years and the developer remains responsible for the operation and maintenance of the system for the duration of the agreement. At the end of the PPA contract term, a customer may be able to extend the PPA, have the developer remove the system or choose to buy the solar energy system from the developer.
We can make a beginning. Remember the journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step